Welcome to Gas Tracking System


ESCO Supplier Relations
Pete Foster - Supplier Relations Analyst - 000-000-0000
Lisa Marzovilla - Supplier Relations Analyst - 000-000-0000
Diane Neira - Supplier Relations Analyst - 000-000-0000
Gas Transportation Supervisor
Tim George - Supervisor - Gas Supply Transportation - 607-338-2439
Outside of Normal Hours
Danni Williams - Gas Supply Transportation - 607-221-7378
The Gas Tracking System (GTS) is innovative software to assist you with managing the natural gas nomination and balancing programs for NYSEG and RG&E's Retail Access Programs.
GTS provides you the following:
  • Daily Nominations and Nomination information
  • Customer and Pools Management
  • Delivery Requirements/Forecasting Management
  • Daily Customer and Pool Usage
  • Daily and Monthly Imbalances
  • Daily and Monthly Settlement and Rates
  • ESCO and AVANGRID Contact Information
  • Capacity Management
  • Billing and ESCO Monthly Invoices